The second workshop was in Lancaster on Sunday 21st July 2013. It was followed, on Monday 22nd July, by a pre-conference workshop ('Annotating Correspondence Corpora') which took place as part of the seventh international Corpus Linguistics conference taking place at Lancaster University (CL2013). Details of both workshops can be found below.
Sunday 21st July
AHRC workshop theme: Digital representation: using TEI to model the emigrant letter
Objectives: to discuss and agree on the best way to describe and digitally represent the linguistic, structural, discoursal, contextual and physical properties of emigrant letters identified in Workshop 1.
Programme outline
08.30-09.00: Registration and coffee
09.00-09.30: Introductions
09.30-10.15: Overview of previous workshop at Utrecht University + details of work that has been carried out since (Emma Moreton).
10.15-11.00: Using TEI with (emigrant) letters (Peter Stadler). Peter has put his work onto GitHub:
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30-12.30: Open discussion: towards a markup schema for use across (emigrant) letter collections (all participants)
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-14.15: Using visualisation tools (Niall O'Leary). To access Niall's presentation slides, click here. Also see Niall O'Leary's article 'Discovery - Star Gazing from the Ground Up' for more information about some of the work carried out at the Digital Humanities Observatory, Dublin.
14.15-14.45: Coffee break
14.45-15.30: Using automated taggers (Rachele de Felice). To access Rachele's slides click here. A summary of the results files can be found here.
15.30-16.00: Issues of accessibility: working with archives (Mike Ellis). For more information about the Corpus of American Civil Wars Letters (CACWL) project click here.
16.00-16.30: Dissemination activities + end of project exhibition (all participants)
16.30-17.00: Next steps (Emma Moreton)
19.00- Evening meal
Monday 22nd July
CL2013 pre-conference workshop theme: Annotating correspondence corpora
Objectives: to bring together experts and novices in the field, those studying correspondence from different disciplinary perspectives, those who are working with established correspondence corpora, and those who are compiling new corpora to investigate ways of organising, interpreting, and using the various types of information embedded within correspondence. The day will consist of presentations in the morning and hands-on practical sessions in the afternoon, providing participants with the opportunity to examine existing annotation schemes, experiment with new types of annotation, and try out various corpus query methods and visualisation techniques. Further details of the programme outline can be found here.
Paul Stephenson's presentation regarding the Wordtree interface can be found here. The Wordtree demo slides can be found here.